
Poetry for youth and adults

Forget it!

You feel down…You feel chained…
You want freedom…You know something is wrong…
But you don’t know where to turn…
It could be… your past sins…
Weighing you down…Then look at this word, 
Forget it! Forget it all… all your past hurts… past sins…Give it to the Cross & The God-Man of that Cross…
He can bear it all & eliminate it…wipe it totally clean…He can forgive it…and Forget it… forever….forevermore… what sin? What offense? The blood of Jesus can set you free forever…
(Bido, A. 2024)

Heal your heart

“Your soul was wounded, your mind learned pain through your loss, you tried be tough about it but it was never ever enough.

Your affections were damaged, so u carried your sadness through the dump. Until one day u met a kind Savior, The Risen Lord. Who through his vast Love ❤️ covered all of your loss.

He gave you his heart for your broken one and told u, He is the one. He poured oil and wine on your wounds and carried you away to safety. He carried you to permanent freedom in paradise just because His Love is so great!

Now u can breathe easy again my friend, it’s all good now, underneath His wings. His strong arms hugged you and you embraced him, you can finally rest… Yes! rest your head like a pillow, like the disciple John, go slow and ease on his chest…on his fragrance of soft aroma, and bask in his intricate love ❤️.

There u will find rest for your souls and one day u will smile forever because all things are forgotten. Look! Behold, all things are delicate and pretty, all things are brand-new.”

(Bido, A. 2024)

The Soul

“It must be the rain of our sins.

The way the soul can gravitate towards the all that pain of sinful sins.

It penetrates through the human soul and stains it.

But I got the bleach so I go further and reach… elevate your ears and please hear… so I must teach.

Staying strong and flexible like a bamboo tree. What kind of fruit you producing in this desert land that u eat.

If u don’t have the Gospel, u are like a dead man moving around but no heartbeat.

Let’s beat the heat by drinking that living water before your hearts get harder.

Try and power up and be firm as Oak wood tree and swim like a cross country sky diver in that bible. Who else is established except God our Rock, like an oasis in the middle of the scorching heat.

So don’t creep through life and grab that soul satisfying presence of His elegance.

Then u will be able to clearly see and lean over his divine feet and finally meet the essence of it all in Christ Jesus…yes His Love is very deep.”

(Bido, A. 2024)

Ps. Jesus is our Home. Thank you God for being our Salvation.

Life is worth living

“In all its dimensions of striving and giving

you can always find the light of Love at the hallways of adversities.

Life is worth living, giving your ear to calm oceans breeze, hear the birds, sense the winds as you look at the sprout of beautiful lilies.

Shining so brightly at your face and your rear guard. The radiant sun of His brilliance warms your heart with that Love your soul seeks.

I know u have pain as your soul leaks.

But always find a reason through it all to live, A life worthy of His calling upon your life and give.

Here is a fact, He loves you and one day He will come to take you back.

To His majestic palace of perfect paradise.

At His time not yours, so stand bold another day and give it your all.

For one day… you can honestly say Life was and is Worth Living.

This Life is worth living.”

Life Poem

“Your Life is a beautiful….broken…and yet a masterpiece… full of lessons and divine truths… to steadily guide you to the Master of all creative pure arts.

Now to the Creator, Christ Jesus, rest in Him. Put your hope in Him, in His Gospel and behold His divine Glory forevermore.”

-(Bido, A. 2024)